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Amiga Formats Exploring Real3D
Typed in by Cyanide / Lsd
INTRODUCTION ................................. 4
OBJECTS ...................................... 7
HIERARCHY .................................... 15
MATERIALS .................................... 19
BOOLEAN OPERATIONS ........................... 29
WIREFRAME .................................... 35
SOLID SCREEN ................................. 39
ANIMATION .................................... 49
APPENDICES ................................... 57
OFFERS ....................................... 65
Welcome to our humble little book, which over the coming pages will act as
our guide to exploring the tremendously powerfull rendering engine you will
have found on this months coverdisk.
If you have found this tome in a dentists waiting room or on the top deck
of the Clapham Omnibus, you may be wondering what is going on. This biik is
meant to accompany the REAL 3D coverdisk, comprising the complete software
for REAL 3D 1.4.
The software will allow you to create just about any object you can
imagine,put it in a scene and render it as a high quality 24-bit image. You
can even animate your images to create impressive opening titles for your
home movies, or even interesting features in their own right.
Of course, to be able to do any of this you must understand how the
software works. Thankfully, REAL 3D is fairly easy to pick up and use, but
to help you along in your journey through all things 3D, we have put
together hints, tips and examples of all major features of the software.
Obviously, in order to render three realistic three dimensional images, you
first need to create the objects which are going to feature in your picture
or animation. The objects are the very guts of rendering software - if you
can`t easily create the objects you wish to appear in your virtual world,
you aren`t going to get very far at all. Fortunately for you, REAL 3D has
very sophisticated modelling tools, primitives and operators, which will
enable you to create just about anything you can imagine. This chapter will
show you how to take advantage of REAL 3D`s exellent features.
REAL 3D has two main types of object. CSG primitives and meshes based on
polygonal lines.
CSG primitives (CSG stands for Constructive Solid Geometry) are a
collection of commonly used objects such as Spheres, Cubes, Polyhedrons,
Cylinders, etc. CSG objects are different from most other 3D programs in
that they aren`t made up of lots of triangles joined together to form an
object. Instead REAL 3D sees them as the mathematical formula for the
object which means they are very quick to render and are always perfectly
curved. This does lead to some limitations though. To start with you can
only perform certain modifications to them, stretching, rotating, etc work
but you can`t, for example,pull a point on the object away to form a bump.
A CSG object has to maintain it`s basic nature, one end of a cube can`t be
rotated, only the entire cube.
Meshes are formed in several ways, by connecting a series of lines,
sweeping one curve along another, or by rotating one curve around another.
The object created by these techniques is a hollow surface or skin. The
object is made up from triangles and can be shaded to appear smooth. This
kind of object is better suited to more organic shapes whereas CSG are
ideal for more mechanical objects. The combination of the two provides
perfect blend for almost any type of object.
Primitive creation in REAL 3D consists of two main parts, regardless of the
primitive being created. The first input for any object is for the centre
or first corner of the object. The second stage actually defines the object
and may require more than one click of the mouse depending on the object
type. For example a Polyhedron can have unlimited sides and the right mouse
button is used to finish the creation, the same is TRUE of the line and
tube drawing tools. Objects such as cubes, spheres and cylinders only need
two inputs, the centre or first corner and then the radius or the second
corner. One thing to remember when creating objects is that REAL 3D doesn`t
use dragging to size objects, each point is defined with a click and the
mouse is moved to the next point, clicked, and so on. Mouse dragging is
used for a different aspect of the modelling process.
Any object in a view window has points wherever there is a change in
direction of the wireframe. A cube has points on every corner, a sphere has
36 points, 12 on each of the 3 circles that consist of the sphere`s
wireframe. These points can have a box dragged around them using the
mouse., for example. Create a few objects in a view window. Try dragging
around the points on these objects - to `drag` click and hold the left
mouse button and you will see a `dragbox` form, When you let go of the
mouse button REAL 3D will place the curser at the middle of all the points
inside the dragbox. Dragboxes can be used at any time during creation or
EXAMPLE Aligning a sphere and a cylinder.
* Create a cylinder in the front view.
* In the side view drag around the right hand edge of
the cylinder. This will place the curser at the front
the cylinder.
In the front view create a sphere in the following way.
* To define the centre drag a box that encloses the
entire cylinder.
* To define the size drag a small box that just encloses
the point of the cylinder at the top.
If you now go to the wireframe screen and take a 45 degree view of the
scene and then render you should be able to see that the sphere is
perfectly aligned with the cylinder. No matter how much you zoom in you
won`t be able to see a join, well assuming the dragging worked!
REAL 3D has a couple more tricks for dragging operations. There are two
keys that can be used immediately before a drag, "/" and "=". The "=" key
is used when you want REAL 3D to only consider the points from the
currently selected object. This comes in usefull when a scene becomes more
complex and the wireframes from other objects maybe overlapping and make
the drag difficult. The "/" key tells REAL 3D to use a 3D average of the
points instead of the default 2D. In the example above if the "/" key had
been pressed before the drag used to define to define the centre of the
sphere then the sphere would have been created at the middle of the
cylinder, not at the end.
More key commands are described in Appendix 1 of this book.
Objects in REAL 3D are constructed hierarchically. This means that they are
organised in a very natural way, for example: A fish lives in a pond, which
is in a forest which is in a country which is on the earth which is in the
solar system and so on. If the country was moved then so would the forest
and therefore the pond and therefore the fish.
This is how the hierarchy works. Any object can be part of the whole and so
modifications, animations, or anything else that effects the whole would
therefore effect all the parts that make up the whole. When a scene is
built in REAL 3D initially only a root level exists and anything that is
created will be placed inside the root level. When creating a scene
remember to think about the hierarchical structure of the objects as you
build them, for example:
The structure above shows a natural layout for the scene. The SKY, GROUND
and HOUSE are all seperate elements inside the ROOT level. This means
moving the house to a new place would only involve selecting the HOUSE
object and performing the move. If the WALLS, WINDOWS and GARDEN were all
just placed inside the ROOT level the move operation would have to be done
three times, once for each object.
Creating photorealistic objects isn`t just about making them the right
shape. many similarly shaped objects in the real world throw back light in
a completely different way, like an orange and a ball bearing. To properly
model objects, these properties of different types of surface must be
modelled too. REAL 3D does this by using materials.
REAL 3D`s materials consist of two main aspects, surface properties and
textures. Surface properties are items such as how brilliant (reflective)
or transparent an object is. Textures are image files that are wrapped on
to the object for colour, bumpmaps, etc.
To create a new material you first need to open the material window by
selecting Project>Materials from the menus.
Click on this button to name a new material or to select an existing one.
This button is used to define the total number of frames used in a texture
sequence. The format for the filename is as follows: frm0, frm1,
frm2,,,,frm99,,,,frm546, etc If the txtr index is greater than 0 then REAL
3D will automatically append the current frame number to the filename when
the scene is rendered, the software will cycle through the frames it finds
untill the animation is finished.
This is a surface property which defines how reflective the material is,
the higher the setting the more reflective the material will be.
This slider defines how much light is transmitted through the object. Don`t
confuse transparency with how `see through` the object is. To make a glass
material you need to use brilliancy as well as transparency, transparency
on it`s own can be used for making materials like paper.
This defines the refraction index of the material. A value of 100 is the
same as air, the lower the value the more the light will be bent. A value
of around 64 is good for glass. Because REAL 3D deals with with refraction
properly, and as it is a solid modeller, you can even construct a working
lens object.
Defines how foggy the material will be, or how the light is randomly
scattered while it`s inside an object. The higher the setting the more
`foggy` the material is.
Defines how sharp the specular reflections will be on the surface of the
object. The higher the values the the smaller and sharper the specular
Used in conjunction with specularity to define how bright the specular
highlights appear. Note that the actual brightness of the highlight
ultimately depends on the colour of that object at any given point. If an
object is completely black then the highlights will never appear as all
light hitting the object is absorbed.
Defines the maximum bump height to be used when creating a bumpmap.
Path and filename of a picture to be used for colour, bump, or special
mapping. Note that REAL 3D classic only supports 2,4,8,16,32,64 (EHB) and
HAM colour images - it will read images created in AGA screen modes but the
image will be rendered incorrectly. The select and show buttons do exactly
what they say, let you select and view the IFF image being used as a
Specifies the type of mapping to be used. PARALLEL - the mapping uses a
rectangle proportional in size to the IFF image.
CYLINDER - The image is wrapped around a cylinder, the X direction goes
around the circumference and the Y direction travels along the length of
the cylinder.
SPHERE - Similar to cylinder mapping, but the top and bottom are `pinched`
in to create a sphere. Default - This mapping has no shape so it only makes
sense to use it with materials that do not use a texture, such as glass,
chrome, etc.
The first colour in the image map`s palette is treated as transparent and
so the objects base colour will be visible through any parts of the image
with colour 0.
COLOUR - Set this button to use the IFF to define the colour of the object.
BUMP - Set this button to make the material a bumpmap. The height of the
bumps depends on the red value of the IFF image, the more red the higher
the bump.
SPECIAL - This is a special type of mapping that defines a different
property from each colour component. Red defines the bump height, blue
defines the brilliancy, and green defines transparency. Special mapping
means you can have a single material define all three properties to create
some very unique effects.
CLIP - This allows the IFF to `cut` away parts of the object the material
is applied to. The No 0 Colour button has to be set for clip mapping to
work. When active any part of the IFF that is colour 0 will be removed from
the object. A simple example would be a mesh fence, rather than building
thousands of individual objects to make the fence a clip map could be used
to `cut` the holes into a simple rectangle.
When an IFF is used for colour mapping you may notice that as you move
close to the object the IFF starts to become pixelated or chunky. This
happens because the way the image is being mappedonto the object and the
size and/or closeness of the object means the IFF is in effect being
enlarged. To prevent this happening REAL 3D can detect these situations and
instead create a gradient from one pixel to the next in the image map. This
smoothes out the pixels but will soften the image slightly. The gradient is
a good way of making smooth colour gradients, e.g.. Create a 1x2 pixel
image, the top pixel being white, the bottom one black. Use this image in a
material with vertical gradient and apply it to a rectangle. Render the
rectangle so that it nearly fills the screen and you will have a perfect
These three settings control exactly how the image map is wrapped onto
objects. Tile tells the images to tile infinitely instead of the default
once. Flip will mirror the image every time it is tiled. This means the
images doesn`t have to have each side matching the other in order to have
seamless edges when tiling. Angle defines how many degrees the image is
wrapped around before it tiles when using sphere or cylinder mapping. When
using cylinder mapping only the first angle is used, Sphere uses both.
When active Unshaded tells REAL 3D not to perform any shading calculations
on this material. The colour of image or the object will remain at full
brightness regardless of lights and shadows.
When set surface reflections will be removed from any glass like objects. A
glass material will no longer have reflections. Smooth is often used with
Turbidity to create fogs.
There is no limit to the number of lights sources or their colour. By
default REAL 3D will use auto-exposure when rendering. This mode calculates
the amount of light falling at the origin (0,0,0) and then scales the
brightness of all lights to keep the origin correctly lit. This has some
disadvantages though, imagine a scene of a car driving through a city at
night. As the car gets nearer it`s lights will be casting more and more
light on the origin. As this happens REAL 3D will make them darker and
darker in order to maintain a constant lightlevel for the scene. Obviously
this is incorrect and so auto-exposure can be turned off.
Doing so gives you full control over the lights, to change the brightness
of a light simply change it`s colour. When the car moves now it`s lights
will no longer be effected and the scene will be correctly lit. Working
without auto-exposure can be tricky but heres a couple of tips that will
* If the scene is too bright try making it bigger by selecting the root
level and re-sizing it. This increases the distance the light has to travel
and in effect reduces the brightness. The reverse is TRUE if the scene is
too dark.
* The colour of a light can be above 15, upto 100 in fact so if a light
isn`t giving enough light you can always increase it`s brightness.
You may have come across the term Boolean Operator in a maths class at some
stage, if you were paying attention. If you were, you will be able to
understand REAL 3D`s Boolean functions ever so much easier. Boolean
operations all work in the same way but have very different results. Two
objects are needed for any Boolean, the target object and the tool. Imagine
drilling a hole (tool) into a table top (target). The drill could be, for
example, a cylinder and the table a cube. To cut the cylinder out of the
cube you would do the following:
* In the top view window create a cube.
* In the front or side view use stretch to change the
height of the cube so it represents a typical table top.
* In the front or side view position the curser so it is
just below the table.
* In the top view create a cylinder, this will be the hole.
* With the cylinder selected, choose Modify/Boolean/AND NOT
from the menus.
* The select window will now ask for an object so select
the cube and click on OK at the bottom of the select window.
The Boolean AND NOT is now complete. now delete the cylinder (by selecting
it and using the "D" key) - if you render the cube you will see that it now
has a hole where the cylinder was. You may also notice that the colour of
the cube has changed in the select window. This shows that it is a Boolean
The next form of Boolean operation is AND. While AND NOT allows you to cut
objects AND will combine objects so that only the overlapping parts of the
two are visible. One example would be a dice which in effect is a cube with
rounded corners:
* Using the grid create a perfectly square cube.
* Create a sphere centered in the middle of the cube but
make the radius slightly less than that of the cube.
* With the cube selected choose Modify/Boolean/AND from
the menus, or using the icon.
* Select the sphere and complete the operation.
Again the colour of the object in the select window will change to show the
object is a Boolean. Render the scene to see the final effect. Remember to
delete the "tool" object after the operation, otherwise it will appear in
the rendered scene too - You should always put your tools away. To create
the circles on the dice, you could use a spherical primitive to AND NOT
away holes on the cubes surface. This could also save you a lot of effort,
because if you make the sphere tool white, and use the AND NOT with paint
operator, you will save yourself the bother of having to paint the dots on.
These are both very simple examples of boolean operations but the principal
is the same for more complex objects.
Unfortunately the space in this book doesn`t allow for a complete tutorial
of building a complex scene so instead here are some tips and guidelines to
help you with the creation process.
Use the hierarchy - remember to use a logical structure of levels when
creating objects. This is especially TRUE if the scene is going to be
Break the object you are constructing into smaller pieces. The smaller the
sections, the easier it will be to build. Most objects can be constructed
with fewer objects when Boolean operations are used well. Here are a couple
of good examples:
* Use the lathe tool to create the profile of the guitar and then Boolean
AND it with a cube that surrounds the entire profile but is thinner. The
result will be an object with a flat front and back but with bevelled edges
for the guitar shape.
* Boolean AND a cutcone and polyhedron to create the tip of a screwdriver.
The polyhedron is wider than the cutcone but not as tall so the final shape
is a flat surface that rounds off at the edges.
Try to build as much of the object as possible before applying any
materials. This means you won`t need to re-apply the materials if the
object has to be modified or even rebuilt.
When you haven`t a clue where to start, try thinking of how the object is
constructed in real life. You already have a lathe, and the Boolean
operations are your milling machine - You should be able to build just
about anything.
The wireframe screen gives interactive control over the camera through an
easy to use interface. The main gadgets are:
AIMP - X,Y,Z coords of the aimpoint, where the camera is looking.
POS - X,Y,Z coords of where the camera is currently located.
The largest box with a button in the centre, to the right of the camera
coordinates can be used to move the camera interactively. Clicking and
holding the mouse on the button in the middle allows the view to be rotated
in realtime. The view is always rotated around the aimpoint.
DISTANCE - Defines the distance between the aimpoint and observer and
adjusts the perspective.
SCREEN - Allows the size of the image to be scaled.
AR - Automatic recording. If active all changes made to the aimpoint or
observer are recorded. Each time a new change is made the frame number is
increased. This makes creating a manually sequenced animation a whole lot
easier, not to mention faster.
>> and << - Animation controls for stepping through frames.
REC - Saves the current settings to the aimpoint and observer. If you don`t
press this button, all the changes you make are lost when you leave the
wireframe environment.
SAVE - Allows the wireframe screen to be saved as IFF images. To do this
define a suitable name in the solid screen but add a _w postfix. Activate
the save button and click on play.
RBOX - Turns on bounding boxes for all objects in order to speed up the
screen refresh rate.
CLEAR - Resets the aimpoint and observer coords to the default settings.
PLAY - Starts animation playback in a continuous loop. To stop playback
click the play button again.
FRAME - Shows the current frame number.
EDITOR/SOLID - Moves to the editor or solid screens.
This screen controls all of the settings used for rendering images and
animations. The controls are as follows:
You can move to any frame in the animation using the frame field.
Use this field to define the path and filename to be used when rendering
images - just click in this field and change it to any path you desire. If
no path is set the images will be saved in the current directory.
If a render box has been previously defined this button will delete it.
Defines the colour and brightness of the ambient light for the rendered
image. The more baselight the less contrast in the final image.
Defines R,G,B values for the background colour of the scene. The background
is rendered wherever an object is not present. The background colour is
also used as the default reflection for all objects whose material has some
brilliancy and where no other object is reflected.
Sets the global brightness for all light sources. Use this slider for
control over how bright a scene will be rendered.
Controls how bright the highlights on objects will be. If over light=0 then
an object will never get brighter than it`s actual colour. by increasing
the overlight shiny surfaces can be simulated without the high rendering
times of reflective materials.
Defines how well the scene will be anti-aliased. This function smoothes out
jagged edges in the picture, the higher the setting the smoother the scene
and the longer it will take to render the scene.
The default of 1*1 means uses normal screen resolution. Increasing the
value means larger and larger pixels are used, upto 8*8. The image quality
is reduced but render times are halved with each increase in pixel size
which makes this a usefull tool for rendering quick previews of a scene.
Defines the output image size in pixels. You can set these to whatever
values you desire. Even really large images, (larger than any screen size)
can be used, as long as you have enough memory and disk space.
Defines how many times a ray of light can bounce off surfaces in the scene.
This field only has an effect when transparent and reflective objects are
present. The higher the setting the more rendering time will be increased.
It is worth using values 5 or 6 if you have a number of transparent objects
in a scene.
This is the fastest rendering mode available, no materials are used and
only a single light source is used. The light source is always placed at
the observer regardless of light sources in the scene.
This is the highest quality rendering mode. Shadows, Reflections,
Refraction, and all light sources are used. If you have not created a lamp
in your scene, don`t render with this mode - all you`ll get is black.
This is the same as normal mode except no shadows are calculated which
speeds up the rendering process considerably.
This is sinilar to fast mode but materials and reflections are considered,
again only a single light source is used.
This renders the scene using a 2 colour outline of all the objects. This
mode is good for producing wireframe preview animations as the 2 colour
images require very little memory and render fairly quickly.
When working on an animation this tells REAL 3D to only render the current
frame not the entire animation.
When set REAL 3D will use automatic scaling of each light source. The
scaling is calculated to maintain a correct level of light falling on the
These buttons each define the type of screen mode to be used when
Turns dithering on which improves the image quality by mixing the available
colours to give the impression of greater colour bandwidth. The type of
dithering can be defined in the dither menu.
Tells REAL 3D to only use pure colours when rendering. By default this
option is off and REAL 3D will use proportional scaling of the colours. HL
shade will add contrast to the scene and will help reduce fringing in HAM
This tells REAL 3D to leave at least 150K of chip memory free but could
slow down rendering.
These buttons define what kind of image format to use when rendering to a
file, both output a 24bit image in fast mode. Also, when using these
options you will not get a screen display showing the rendering progress.
Instead a percentage complete figure will be displayed just above the
render button.
Allows a shell command to be executed after each frame of an animation is
rendered. This is usefull for single-frame recording devices and other
similar hardware.
Defines the aspect ratio used when rendering the image. The most common
ratios are.........
640x256 = 2
640x512 = 1
320x512 = 0.5
640x480 = 1.0667
640x400 = 1.28
800x600 = 1.0667
Starts the rendering process. If you are rendering a 24bit image to disk,
an indicator will show, in terms of percentage, how complete the image is,
note that some parts of the image may be quicker to render than others, so
if the indicator says 10% completed after one minute, it does not follow
that it will be finished completely in 10 minutes.
Exits the solid screen and returns to either the Editor or Wireframe
REAL 3D has several different ways of animating objects but possibly the
easiest to use is the orbit function. Orbits allow you to define a path
that the object will follow over a specified number of frames. To see how
easy the Orbit function is try the following.
* Create a simple object such as a sphere.
* With the object selected choose Project>Animation> orbit from the menu.
* Next draw a path in one of the view windows for the object to follow.
* To complete the path click the right mouse button.
* A requester will appear asking for the start and end frames numbers for
the orbit. Enter 0 and 50 and click on OK.
REAL 3D will now calculate a smooth orbit for the object. Go to the
wireframe screen and click on the play button. You will see a wireframe
preview of the object following it`s path.
A more flexible method of applying orbits is to use a pre-defined path.
This means the path can be drawn and edited in all 3 view windows before it
is used as an orbit. To use the path for the orbit do the following.
* Select the target object.
* Use the menu Project>Animation>Orbit
* Press the * key on the numeric keypad.
* REAL 3D now asks for the orbit line to
be selected so find it in the select
window and click on the OK button at
the bottom.
REAL 3D will then use the pre-defined curve for defining the orbit. This is
probably the quickest way to animate an object in REAL 3D but of course the
more complex methods allow greater control over the animation.
Having given an orbit to an object the Direction tool can be used to make
the object rotate as it follows the path. In order to do this make sure the
object is rotated correctly to follow the orbit before applying the initial
orbit. REAL 3D doesn`t know which way an object should point and so it will
always assume the object is orientated correctly when the direction tool is
Applying A rotation to an object works in a similar way to the orbit tool
except instead of a path REAL 3D requires a mouse click in a view window to
define the centre of rotation. A window will then appear asking for the
start/end frames and angle of rotation. An angle of 360 will produce one
revolution and 720 will produce two.
Note that rotation should be applied before an orbit or the centre of
rotation will be incorrectly placed on all frames except the first.
REAL 3D is capable of using it`s keyframe animation features to effectively
"morph" an object, or in other words, to seamlessly transform one
representation of an object in to an altered representation. Lets have a
look at this. By default REAL 3D animations have only one frame, to add
more frames the menu Project>Animation>Size is used. REAL 3D will then ask
for a new size and add the frames to the end of the animation. Once the
animation has more than one frame we can start to define keyframes for the
object being morphed. To do this we need to first expose the object in
frame one. Exposing an object tells REAL 3D that the current frame should
be a keyframe for the object. To expose an object for any given frame
simply select the object and current frame number and click on the (X)
button on the title bar. Now lets animate the sphere using morphing.
Move to frame 24 using the forward button "<" to the right of the expose
button. Expose the sphere in frame 24 and then move it to a new position.
You can use any of the modification tools to strtch, rotate, etc, the
sphere. Go to the last frame of the animation, frame 49 and again expose
the object. Again modify the object to define the final keyframe.
To perform the morph use the menu Project>Animation>Morphing. A requester
will ask for the start and end frames for the morph and curvature
parameter. For this example use 0, 49, and 5. The curvature parameter
defines how the object moves between keyframes, The default value of 5
produces smooth motion, a value of 0 will give linear movement with rapid
changes in direction and speed. Large values such as 15 will give
exaggerated movement and may even produce extra loops between keyframes.
Later on try this example again with different curvature values to see the
different effects.
The morph is now complete, when REAL 3D calculated the morph it looked at
each frame the morph was to happen over and used any frame the target
object was exposed in as a keyframe. In the example we used 3 keyframes at
0, 24, and 49 so REAL 3D will morph 0 to 24 to 49.
Now that morphing and keyframing will only work with objects that are the
same. You cannot morph a sphere to a cube but could morph a sphere to an
ellipsoid. Meshes offer more flexibility for morphing as each point on the
mesh can be edited for the morph.
After performing a morph, orbit, etc, the target object will be exposed on
every frame the animation tool was asked to use. If you aren`t happy with
the results there are two ways to change the animation.
The first is to simply go to the frames to be changed and edit the object.
As the object is already exposed the changes are instant.
The second technique is to re-animate the object using the animation tools.
Before you can do this you need to de-expose all frames for the object
except the keyframes. To do this use the menu Project>Animation>DeExpose
and REAL 3D will ask the number of frames to be de-exposed. The function
starts from the current frame so be sure you are at the correct frame
before using it.
a Rotate
s Size
d Delete
f Colour
g Stretch
h Mirror
j Explode
k Move To
i Locate (To a new level)
x Extend
c Clone
v Painting, define a line representing
the size of the materials texture.
b Apply a material
n Name
m Move
+/- Zoom in/out
. Centre display on cursor
O Reset display to defaults
enter Redraw display
1-9 Preset grids
0 Turn off grid
G Grid wireframe on/off
L Load project
S Save project
D Delete project
F Goto frame
P Preview animation in editor
U Undo
i Object info
! Re-calculate the wireframe of a
boolean operation
r Redo
( Start macro recording
) End macro recording
e Execute macro once
$ Out of memory recovery
Esc Cancel current function
space Select object by mouse click,
picks nearest object
p Select the parent of current object
in select window
w Go to the wireframe screen
q Go to the solid screen
When REAL 3D saves an image the default tool is set to this image viewing
program so when you double click on the icon for the picture Display will
be run to show the image. Display can show 24bit Targa images by converting
them to HAM.
This program will build a REAL 3D DELTA animation from a series of IFF
images. To do this run the program and supply the following information:
Type of compression, Small Delta, or Fast Delta or Anim5.
Filename to save the animation as.
First image filename (minus the frame index).
Starting frame index.
Final frame index.
Deltaconvert will now process each image in turn and compile the animation.
When completed you can choose to add another sequence of images or click on
all done to complete the conversion.
This program will play animations created by Deltaconvert.
All animations created in Deltaconvert will have Deltaplay set as the
default tool in their icons. To stop the playback of an animation in
Deltaplay press "q" followed by return.
Converts Sculpt 3D data files into REAL 3D format. It is possible to
convert the Sculpt file into a point-editable primative or seperate
triangles, the latter requiring much memory.
The position in the 3D world of the software towards which the virtual
camera is pointing.
A shading technique which removes the hard edges on objects, by graduating
the brightness between the edge and it`s background.
A type of logic often used in the algebra of sets. It is used in REAL 3D to
describe tools which apply logical operations to objects.
An action which allows the sofware to forget that it has already rendered a
number of images in an animation.
A way of fooling the eye into seeing more detail and less severe blending
of one colour into another. Dithering does increase rendering time however.
A frame in an animation where all the objects and views have been placed
manually. REAL 3D will automatically calculate these positions in the
frames between each keyframe.
An object consisting of curves through a set of points. Meshes are usually
generated using one of the sweep functions.
A process in animation where an object is distorted into another shape
seamlessly over a period of frames.
The position in 3 dimensional space at which the virtual camera is located.
This is the name given to the process by which the software generates an
image from the objects and their positions.
A curve mathematically generated to produce a gradual sweep through or
around a number of defined points.